
Step Codes

A growing number of BC local governments are adopting the Zero Carbon Step Code and Energy Step code to create greener, more efficient new buildings.

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. AFUE is a measure of the fuel efficiency of a heating system. It takes into account normal operating losses such as start-up, standby, and cycling. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the heating system is.

Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute. AHRI is a trade association that uses third party testing and certifies the performance of different Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems available in North America. A listing of products and their performance is available in the AHRI Directory (www.ahridirectory.com).

Argon is a gas used to fill the space between window glazing. Argon has a lower heat conductivity than air, and suppresses gas movement between the glazing. A window filled with Argon gas will reduce heat loss better than a window filled with regular air.

A fibre commonly found in many building supplies, including insulation materials, such as vermiculite. If asbestos is exposed the fibres can become airborne in the interior of the home. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to different forms of cancer and scarring of the lungs. Check Health Canada’s website for more information.

Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC. ASTT is BC’s independent certifying body for applied science technicians.

British Thermal Unit. A Btu is a unit for heat. It is used to measure the heat output of a heating system. One Btu is the amount of heat energy given off by a typical birthday candle.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
CFCs are ozone depleting chemicals. Older appliances that use refrigerant (freezer, refrigerator, heat pump, etc.) are common sources of CFCs and need to be recycled properly to prevent CFCs from being released into the atmosphere. Visit ENERGY STAR® for more information.

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (or Light). CFL bulbs are rated to last up to 10 times longer and use around 70% less energy than regular incandescent bulbs.

Combustion Spillage
Oil, wood, or gas burning appliances produce heat by burning fuel. Burning fuel produces combustion gases, which are normally vented to the outdoors through a chimney or vent pipe. Combustion spillage is the unwanted flow of combustion gases into the home. Combustion spillage (also known as backdrafting) occurs when a home becomes depressurized, and harmful combustion gases (such as carbon monoxide, a colourless and odorless gas) are sucked back into the home through vents or a flue. Depressurization can occur when a home is very air tight and exhaust fans, such as range hoods, bathroom fans, the dryer etc. are running at the same time. If too much air is being exhausted at one time, it can cause depressurization. If carbon monoxide is drawn into a living space of a home, it can sicken or kill the occupants. To learn more about combustion spillage, visit Natural Resources Canada’s website.

Conduction occurs when heat moves through a material or building assembly (e.g. a wall). For example, the heat from a cast iron frying pan is transferred to the handle and eventually to your hand. Insulation reduces heat loss due to conduction.

Convection is the movement of heat through fluids such as water or air due to the temperature and density differences within the fluid. For example, warm air is lighter and will rise to the top while relatively cooler air will be heavier and fall to the bottom, creating a convection current. Drafts next to windows can be attributed to convection currents.

Coefficient of Performance. COP is a measure of a heat pump’s efficiency. The COP is determined by dividing the energy output of the heat pump by the electrical energy needed to run the heat pump at a specific temperature. The higher the COP, the more efficient the heat pump.

Detached Home
A home where the walls and roofs are independent of any other building (i.e. not attached to any other building).

A device that monitors and maintains the set or preferred relative humidity in the air. If humidity levels rise above the level that you’ve set, the dehumidistat will automatically turn on an exhaust device such as a bathroom fan, to remove excess moisture from the home.

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